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Company Introduction

• SCALINX Design House is privately owned company, founded in 2015 in Paris, France, as a spin-off of Telecom ParisTech.
• SCALINX is specialized in and dedicated to design of leading edge Mixed-signal ICs.
• The founders are industry highly recognized experts in CTΔƩADC design.
• Design team comprised of industry highly acknowledged design engineers, researchers and innovators in state of the art mixed-signal IC development.

• SCALINX design engineers have excellent reputation in this specific technology area, the results of their design work are considered to be the industry best-in-class.


E-mail: contact@scalinx.com

Website: www.scalinx.com

Tel: +33 (0)6 19 44 76 59

Address: 18, rue des Belles Feuilles, 75116 Paris – France