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Company Introduction

AUREA Technology designs and manufactures a new generation of high performance and easy-to-use Single Photon Counting Modules that enable worldwide scientists and engineers to measure very low light level down to a single photon.  This superior photon detection allows them to achieve outstanding results, and remain at the cutting edge of their field. As a leading maker of innovative optical instruments, AUREA Technology provides the “best in class” Single Photon Counting Module and also the first “all-in-one” Time Correlated Single Photon Counting TCSPC Module. AUREA Technology works closely with its scientific and industrial customers to meet the photon counting challenges of today and tomorrow in the biotechnology, nanotechnology, life sciences, optical networking, bio-medical, environmental and aeronautics industries.

Presentation video of AUREA Technology's single photon counting



Lynxea NIR                              Picoxea                             SPD_OEM_NIR 

PIXEA Versatile Picosecond Diode Laser 


Address: 18 rue Alain Savary Besancon 25000 France 

Tel:+ (33) 3 81 25 29 83 

Website: www.aureatechnology.com